Tribolin is a blended veterinary steroid product, produced by the Ranvet Company in Australia. Not quite doing its name justice, Tribolin contains two different steroid compounds instead of three (it really should have been called something like Dibolin if you ask me).This product specifically contains a blend of methandriol dipropionate and nandrolone decanoate, in a dose of 40mg/mL and 35mg/mL respectively. This adds up to a total steroid concentration of 75mg/mL.Tribolin is certainly not a high-dosed steroid, but is not a 25mg/mL steroid either. Incidentally, Ranvet makes a second product called Filybol, which is exactly the same as Tribolin except the nandrolone decanoate dose is 5mg/mL lower. I am not sure why they would make two seemingly identical products, but they are available nonetheless.
With its blend of methandriol and nandrolone, Tribolin is clearly an anabolic steroid in nature. Androgenic effects of this steroid would, likewise, only be slight for the average user. Its estrogenic effect should also be minimal, barring the methandriol content, which is intrinsically a bit estrogenic. Still, this product will not elevate estrogen levels itself very much, and unless the user is very sensitive to nandrolone, he should not be noticing gyno during a cycle. In many regards this product is like the Aussie vet steroid Drive, which contains a similar blend, but with boldenone instead of nandrolone.Typical dosing schedule for the male athlete would be in the range of 225mg (3cc’s) to 450mg (6cc’s) per week, a rage which should provide quality lean mass gain without bloat or much body fat retention (for a more comprehensive discussion of the individual steroids, please refer to their respective profiles).
Both Tribolin and Filybol come packaged in 10 and 20mL multi-dosed vials. Unfortunately, due to tight controls on drug products in Australia, these steroids do not make it to the U.S. very often. To make things worse, the packaging is pretty plain on both items. They obviously do not require a whole lot of ingenuity to duplicate. For these reasons I would be suspicious of any glut of Tribolin or Filybol (or any
Australian vet steroids for that matter) that is found in the United States. It is just highly uncommon for volume sales of this product to be made. Unless you can personally trace these back to a legitimate supplier in Australia, I would consider them of unverified authenticity, and probably avoid.