Anadrol 50 (oxymetholone)

Anadrol 50® is the U.S. brand name for oxymetholone, a very potent oral androgen.This compound was first made available in 1960, by the international drug firm Syntex. Since oxymetholone is quite reliable in its ability to increase red blood cell production (and effect admittedly characteristic of nearly all  anabolic/androgenic steroids), it showed particular promise in treating cases of severe anemia. For this purpose it turned out to be well suited,and was popular for quite some time. But recent years have brought fourth a number of new treatments, most notably the non-steroidal hormone Epogen (erythropoietin). This item is shown to have a much more direct effect on the red blood cell count, without the side effects of a strong androgen. Financial disinterest finally prompted Syntex to halt production of the U.S. Anadrol 50® in 1993, which was around the same time they decided to drop this item in a number of foreign countries. Plenastril from Switzerland and Austria was dropped; following soon was Oxitosona from Spain. Many Athletes feared Anadrol might be on the way out for good. But new HIV/AIDS studies have shown a new light on oxymetholone.These studies are finding (big surprise) exceptional anti-wasting properties to the compound and believe it can be used safely in many such cases. Interest has been peaked, and as of 1998 Anadrol is again being sold in the United States.This time we see the same Anadrol brand name, but the manufacturer is the drug firm Unimed. Syntex continues to market & license this drug in a number of countries, however (under a few different brand names).

Anadrol is considered by many to be the most powerful steroid commercially available, with results of this compound being extremely dramatic. A steroid novice experimenting with oxymetholone is likely to gain 20 to 30 pounds of massive bulk, and it can often be accomplished in less than 6 weeks, with only one or two tablets per day. This steroid produces a lot of trouble with water retention, so let there be little doubt that much of this gain is simply bloat. But for the user this is often little consequence, feeling bigger and stronger on Anadrol than any steroid they are likely to cross. Although the smooth look that results from water retention is often not attractive, it can aid quite a bit to the level of size and strength gained.The muscle is fuller, will contract better and is provided a level of protection in the form of "lubrication" to the joints as some of this extra water is held into and around connective tissues.This will allow for more elasticity, and will hopefully decrease the chance for injury when lifting heavy. It should be noted however, that on the other hand the very rapid gain in mass might place too much stress on your connective tissues for this to compensate. The tearing of pectoral and biceps tissue is commonly associated with heavy lifting while massing up on steroids. There can be such a thing as gaining too fast. Pronounced estrogen trouble also puts the user at risk for developing gynecomastia. Individuals sensitive to the effects of estrogen, or looking to retain a more quality look, will therefore often add Nolvadex® to each cycle.

It is important to note, however, that this drug does not directly convert to estrogen in the body. Oxymetholone is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone, which gives it a structure that cannot be aromatized. As such, many have speculated as to what makes this hormone so troublesome in terms of estrogenic side effects. Some have suggested that it has progestational activity, similar to nandrolone, and is not actually estrogenic at all. Since the obvious side effects of both estrogens and progestins are very similar, this explanation might be a plausible one. However we do find medical studies looking at this possibility. One such tested the progestational activity of various steroids including, nandrolone, norethandrolone, methandrostenolone, testosterone and oxymetholone84. It reported no significant progestational effect inherent in oxymetholone or methandrostenolone, slight activity with testosterone and strong progestational effect inherent in nandrolone and norethandrolone. With such findings it starts to seem much more likely that oxymetholone can intrinsically activate the estrogen receptor itself, similar to but more profoundly than the estrogenic androgen methandriol. This means that we can only combat the estrogenic side effects of oxymetholone with estrogen receptor antagonists such as Nolvadex® or Clomid®, and not with an aromatase inhibitor. The strong anti-aromatase compounds such as Cytadren and Arimidex® would similarly prove to be totally useless with this steroid, as aromatase is not involved.

Anadrol is also a very potent androgen, and tends to produce many pronounced, unwanted androgenic side effects. Oily skin, acne, and body/facial hair growth can be seen very quickly with this drug. Many individuals respond with severe acne, often requiring medication to keep it under control. Some of these individuals find that Accutane works well, which is a strong prescription drug that acts on the sebaceous glands to reduce the release of oils.Those with a predisposition for male pattern baldness may want to stay away from Anadrol completely, as this is certainly a possible side effect during therapy. And while some very adventurous female athletes do experiment with this compound, it is much too androgenic to recommend. Irreversible virilization symptoms may be the result and occur very quickly, possibly before you have a chance to take action.

It is interesting to note that Anadrol does exhibit some tendency to convert to dihydrotestosterone, although this does not occur via the 5-alpha reductase enzyme (responsible for altering testosterone to form DHT) as it is already a dihydrotestosterone based steroid. Aside from the added c-17 alpha alkylation (discussed below), oxymetholone differs from DHT only by the addition of a 2-hydroxymethylene group. However, this grouping cclearly supports this notionan be removed metabolically, reducing oxymetholone to the potent androgen ^alpha-methyl dihydrotestosterone (mestanolone; methyldihydrotestosterone)85. There is little doubt that this biotransformation contributes at least on some level to the androgenic nature of this steroid, especially when we note that in its initial state Anadrol has a notably low binding affinity for the androgen receptor. So although we have the option of using the reductase inhibitor finasteride (see:Proscar®) to reduce the androgenic nature of testosterone, it offers us no benefit with Anadrol as this enzyme is not involved.

The principle drawback to Anadrol is that it is a 17alpha alkylated compound. Although this design gives it the ability to withstand oral administration, it can be very stressful to the liver. Anadrol is sometimes suspected of being particularly dubious because it requires such a high milligram amount per dosage. The difference is great when comparing it to other oral steroids like Dianabol or

Winstrol®, which have the same c-17alpha alkylation.They have a slightly higher affinity for the androgen receptor, and are effective in much smaller doses (seen in the 5mg and 2mg tablet strengths). Anadrol has a lower affinity, which helps explain why we have a 50mg tablet dosage. When looking at the medical requirements, the recommended dosage is very high, landing between 1 mg and 5mg per kilogram of body weight. This would give a 2201b person a dosage as high as 10 Anadrol tablets (500mg) per day.There should be little wonder why when liver cancer has been linked to steroid use, Anadrol is generally the culprit, and high medical doses generally the setting. Athletes actually never need such a high dosage, and will generally take in the range of 1-3 tablets per day. Many happily find that one tablet is all they need for exceptional results, and avoid higher amounts. Cautious users will also limit the intake of this compound to no longer than 4-6 weeks, and have their l
iver enzymes checked regularly with a doctor. Kidney functions may also need to be looked after during longer use, as water retention/high blood pressure can take a toll on the body. Before starting a cycle, one should know to give Anadrol the respect it is due. It is a very powerful drug, and not always a friendly one.

When discontinuing Anadrol, the crash can be as equally powerful as the on-cycle results.To begin with, the level of water retention will quickly diminish, dropping the user's body weight dramatically. This should be expected, and not of much concern. What is of great concern is restoring endogenous testosterone production. Anadrol will quickly and effectively lower natural levels during a cycle, so HCG and/or Clomid®/Nolvadex® are a must when discontinuing a cycle. The common practice of slowly tapering off your pill dosage is wholly ineffective at raising testosterone levels. Without ancillary drugs, hormonal imbalance will likely strip a good amount of the muscle that was gained during the cycle. If HCG and/or Clomid®/Nolvadex® are used properly, the person should be able to maintain much more of it. Before going off, some alternately choose to first switch over to a milder injectable like Deca-Durabolin®. This is in an effort to harden up the new mass, and can prove to be an effective practice. Although a drop of weight is likely when making the switch, the end result should be the retention of more (quality) muscle mass with a less pronounced crash (in a sort of stepping down, first off the water bloat, and next off the hormones). Remember ancillaries though, as testosterone production will not be rebounding during Deca therapy.

Oxymetholone remains widely available on the black market. Although there are many counterfeits in circulation, there are also enough legitimate companies making the drug to make some good suggestions when shopping.

British Dragon makes Oxydrol 50mg tablets. This is a square green pill, which is scored in the middle. It reads "BD"on one side and"50"on the other.The product is sold in foil lined white paper packets containing 100 tablets each.The back of the pouch now carries the BD logo, and inside can be found a logo printed silica gel packet as well (added to preserve product freshness). To deter counterfeiting, the company further uses a hologram sticker with the company's dragon logo printed on the outer surface with blue ink, which should be affixed to all oral products.

Animal Power is selling oxymetholone in Mexico under the Metalon Tabs brand name. It comes in a strength of 75mg per tablet, with 100 tablets packaged to each glass vial. Animal Power uses several security features to deter counterfeiting, including a distinct cardboard box, custom printed vials and bottles, and an Animal Power security hologram sticker (on both box and bottle) that carries the company logo imbedded in the holographic image.

Oximetalon 75mg tablets from Denkall (Mexico) are still common on the black market. The higher than normal dosage makes each 100-count bottle of Oximetalon equivalent to a bottle and a half of any standard oxymetholone product. The bottle itself is white, and comes with a child-resistant top. Be sure to look for the Denkall security hologram sticker. Be sure it is a real hologram, and not just a close-looking substitute made from a standard silver sticker, or a counterfeit of lesser quality {see: Security Stickers for more information).

Quality Vet sells a similar oxymetholone product in Mexico, called Oxivet QV. It is also made in the form of a 75mg tablet, with 100 packaged to a bottle. Each bottle is also boxed,and the standard QV security hologram sticker protects both from counterfeiting. Be sure to look for this when shopping. QV is a very reputable company, and Oxivet a recommended product.

Ttokkyo's Oxymetolona product has been out of circulation for some time now. If you find it on the black market at this point, it is most likely going to be a counterfeit. Avoid.

Androlic continues to be readily sold in Thailand, manufactured by the drug firm British Dispensary. It comes in a dark plastic bottle with a silver cap and bright green label. No versions of this brand are still circulating in pouches, as all such preparations have been discontinued years ago.The tablets themselves should be green, with a hexagon shape and company snake emblem stamped in its surface.

Kanestron is a veterinary version of oxymetholone made in Mexico by the veterinary firm Loeffler. This product is legit, although I have not seen lab test results on it yet.The line, in general, has been hit or miss in the past as far as dosing goes, so I wouldn't count on getting the full 50mg every time. Note that Loeffler has recently started using a security sticker to deter counterfeiting.

Anadrol 50® (U.S.): Unimed Anadrol 50® is rarely found on the black market. It is also going to be extremely expensive when it does, running nearly $15 per 50mg tablet at most pharmacies. With its high cost and tight controls, never purchase this product on the black market unless you can personally trace it to someone receiving it from a doctor.

Brovel's new oxymetholone product, called Anabrol, has been scarce on the black market in recent months, although I believe it is still in production. Unfortunately, I was unable to order some for lab testing. The product itself comes in the form of a 50mg tablet, with 100 being packaged in each white plastic container. A cardboard box further encloses the bottle (do not purchase this product without its accompanying box). Be sure to look for the Brovel security hologram as well, which will help assure legitimacy.

Iran has become an active source country for steroids as of late, and their generic oxymetholone product from Alhavi is no doubt one of their most popular exports. This product carries one hundred 50mg tablets in a dark amber glass bottle.The bottle itself is sealed with a strip of holographic tape, which carries an embedded image of the company name.

Oxymetholone is still available in Turkey under the Anapolon brand name. These are packaged in a foil & plastic push through strip of 20 tablets, 1 strip per box.The back reads Anapolon Tablet, Oksimetolon 50mg in black ink.There are a good number of counterfeits of this brand, so shop carefully. Note that the real tablets are a sort of off white to yellowish color. A very good looking fake is currently circulating that uses pure white tablets. They are easy to spot once you know to look for this. Avoid. Also,some counterfeiters have been making mistakes on the company logo. Be sure the letters Al touch in your logo, to form one graphic. Often the fakers just use two separate letters to form a logo, which make a close, but not perfect, match.

Oxybolone from Greece is no longer in circulation. You might be able to find old stock on the black market, in which case it should carry a pharmacy sticker that will show a hidden image under black light (see: Security Stickers for more information).

Brazilian Hemogenin is still being sold under the Aventis label. Counterfeits of this brand have not been as prominent as they were when Syntex/Sarsa was selling this drug. Exportation of the legitimate product to foreign markets, however, has not been as strong as it was in the past either (cheaper forms of Anadrol from Turkey and Mexico seem to dominate these days). Should you find it properly packaged, your odds are good of making a safe purchase.

Han Seo, Han Bui, Korea United, and Dongindang produce Oxymetholone in Korea. The product from Han Seo is most popular. There are numerous fakes of "Korean Anadrol" making them all risky purchases.

Anapolon from the UK and Oxitosona from Spain are both long out of commerce now. Occasionally, counterfeiters still duplicate the packaging on these old time items. Don't be fooled. These products were discontinued so long ago that any product that one could theoretically find on the
black market (if, for example, someone were to have stockpiled large amounts) would have long been expired already.

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