Superdrol is a trade name for the anabolic steroid methyldrostanolone. Also called methasteron, this steroid is a potent oral anabolic agent that was never produced as a commercial prescription steroid product. Instead, its early history resembles that of a great many effective but never commercialized steroids; it was developed, assayed, determined to have favorable characteristics, and ultimately ignored for some reason or another (probably lack of financial viability). The drug was first mentioned in the medical books in 1960, and its last mention seems to appear in 1965. Aside from this very short lifespan in research circles, methyldrostanolone sat as an obscurity in the library stacks for decades. It only recently reemerged (2005) as an over the counter "grey market" anabolic steroid in the United States, sold openly without restriction in many supplement stores.
In structure, Superdrol is a close derivative of Masteron (drostanolone).The only difference in this case is the addition of a c-17 alpha methyl group, a modification that gives this steroid high oral bioavailability. We can, therefore, loosely consider it an oral version of this highly sought after injectable steroid. Although in many cases c-17-alpha alkylation changes the overall character of a steroid considerably (such as is the case with boldenone and methandrostenolone or testosterone and methyltestosterone), that really doesn't appear to be the case with Superdrol. Both it and its parent drostanolone are non-aromatizable, so there is no difference in the estrogenicity of these two steroids. Neither should produce estrogenic side effects. Furthermore, both steroids retain very favorable anabolic to androgenic ratios. Lab assays do put Superdrol ahead here, however, showing it to possess 4 times the anabolic potency of oral methyltestosterone while displaying only 20% of the androgenicity (a 20:1 ratio). Masteron assays out to be about as potent an anabolic agent as testosterone (give or take 30% or so), but with only 25-40% of the androgenicity.This is still a favorably anabolic steroid, but admittedly with a ratio of about 3:1, not 20:1.
An effective dosage of Superdrol seems to begin in the range of 10-20mg daily for men. At this level it seems to impart a measurable muscle building effect, which is usually accompanied by fat loss and increased definition. Don't expect to gain 30 pounds on this agent (its name which is short for "Super Anadrol"is more marketing than reality), but many can and do walk away with 12-15lbs of solid muscle gain when using this agent alone. In determining an optimal daily dosage, some do find the drug to be measurably more effective when venturing up to the 30mg range. Potential hepatotoxicity should definitely be taken into account with this agent, however, before one simply attempts upping the dosage. In many cases it might be a better option to stack 20mg daily of Superdrol with a non-toxic injectable steroid, such as testosterone for mass building phases of training, or nandrolone or boldenone for more lean tissue gain and definition. It further seems to work well in cutting cycles, where its lack of estrogenicity is highly favored. One should probably consider using it with an injectable like Primobolan or trenbolone for such cycles, however, instead of adding in more c-17alpka alkylated anabolics. The potential for notable strain to be placed on the liver obviously increases as the number of liver toxic drugs does.
Being that this steroid displays such a high ratio of anabolic to androgenic effect, one would think it would be an anabolic of great interest to female bodybuilders. In fact, at least on paper, Superdrol is less androgenic than Winstrol or Primobolan, both very popular among the female crowd. In fact, only Anavar lands in the same ballpark as Superdrol when it comes to androgenicity (Anavar actually exceeds it with an almost 30:1 ratio by some calculations). Still, this is a steroid of obvious and logical interest, even if the animal assays don't bear 100% relevance to the experiences of human users.The main point of contention with females is probably going to be the dosage, which is far too high at 10mg per cap (the common capsule strength) to use. Women would probably be experimenting with 1-2mg per day, give or take, which would require breaking open each capsule and splitting the powdered contents up into 5-10 separate doses. Admittedly not a convenient practice, but it will be effective nonetheless. As with all steroids, virilization is still a possibility to be concerned with.
Being a c-17 alpha alkylated oral, cycles of Superdrol are usually kept brief to minimize the risk of liver injury. Cycles that are 4-6 weeks in length seem to be most common, with few bodybuilders risking its use for more than 8 continuous weeks.There is some belief among consumers that Superdrol is a "milder" steroid, and that it does not impart the same risk of liver toxicity as other oral steroids like Anadrol, Dianabol, and Winstrol. I can tell you with some certainty that that is not the case. Methyldrostanolone is indeed a powerful oral anabolic steroid, and one that is structurally very resistant to hepatic breakdown. As such, it can place measurable strain on the liver during the first digestive pass, like virtually all c-17 alpha alkylated orals. There is nothing in the medical literature, or even in anecdotal reports, that suggests any different.One should, therefore, treat this steroid with a lot of respect. It is an effective drug with a very favorable ratio of anabolic to androgenic effect, but also one of significant potency and potential for toxicity if misused.
The legal status of Superdrol is currently in question. No State or Federal steroid law identifies this drug officially as an anabolic steroid, which should remove the legalities associated with being a Class III controlled substance like most other steroids. This is, however, not because Superdrol is generally any different than say Dianabol. Superdrol is not yet classified as a controlled substance simply because it didn't exist (in commerce) at the time such laws were written. If the lawmakers didn't know about it, they couldn't make it illegal, and that remains the case today. The FDA and others in the U.S. government have already angrily acknowledged the new "designer steroids"on the supplement market (including Superdrol), and have made clear their intentions on investigating and perhaps even prosecuting those responsible.The original manufacturer (Designer Supplements) has already discontinued its sale, anticipating FDA action. Other versions of the same steroid may still be available, but the future of these products does not look good at all. If you can still find it, one would be advised to purchase this steroid quickly if they wanted to use it. By the time this book is published, it is very likely that all Superdrol products will already have been removed from market.