Anadur (nandrolone hexyloxyphenylpropionate)

Anadur was a popular trade name for the Injectable steroid nandrolone hexyloxyphenylpropionate. This is one of the longer acting nandrolones, similar in effect to the veterinary steroid Laurabolin. One injection would remain active in the body for approximately four weeks, again similar to that seen with nandrolone laurate. Although active for such a long time, athletes usually inject this steroid on a weekly basis due to its low dosage. Produced at a maximum strength of 50 mg/mL, one would most commonly inject 100-150mg (2-3 mL) two or three times weekly.This dosage is sufficient for the slow, even buildup of quality muscle mass associated with nandrolone esters. Since this drug has such a slow release, it may take a considerable amount of time for blood levels to reach a peak. Gains from Anadur are therefore likely to become pronounced only after three or four weeks have past. This characteristic makes it suited for longer cycles, often lasting more than 10 or 12 weeks.

The side effects of Anadur will be those associated with all nandrolones. Estrogen buildup is slight at best, so water retention and gynecomastia should only be a problem among sensitive individuals. The need to use an anti-estrogen like Nolvadex® is likewise not common with this drug. Additionally, this compound does undergo a change via the 5a-reductase enzyme, which is responsible for changing testosterone into DHT. But here the product is dihydronandrolone,a metabolite less androgenic than the parent nandrolone. Likewise androgenic side effects are much less pronounced with this drug. Women are particularly attracted to nandrolone preparations, as they encounter virilization symptoms very infrequently with these drugs if taken in low doses. Since androgenic activity can still become evident with use, even with nandrolone, a shorter acting version like Durabolin® would technically be the better choice for female athletes (allowing the user greater control over blood hormone levels).Those women who do use this product find a dosage of 50 to 100mg every 10 days sufficient.

Anadur is a good base steroid, and combines well with a variety of different compounds. For a mass cycle, the addition of a powerful oral such as Dianabol or Anadrol 50® should prove very effective. This should elicit exceptional muscle growth, while at the same time allowing the user to keep the oral dosage within limits. Three or four Dianabol tablets (15-20mg) or one to two Anadrol 50s (50-100mg) in combination with 200mg weekly Anadur is a very nice range to work in. Hopefully the result will be a more solid, quality muscle gain than when using these potent steroids alone.The low estrogen conversion rate of nandrolone also makes Anadur somewhat attractive for cutting purposes. Combining Anadur with Winstrol®, Primobolan® or Oxandrolone should result in a highly defined, quality look to the muscles without excess water. This combination should noticeably preserve the muscle density during times of calorie restriction, otherwise a destructive period of time to the muscles.

Anadur is not being produced at this time. Avoid all products bearing this trade name. 

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