Danocríne (danazol)

Although steroidal in structure, danazol is technically an anti-gonadotropin agent.This means that its main function is to suppress the body's release of sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen, not to build muscle. In a medical setting it is used to treat a number of disorders where sex steroids are involved in the pathology, such as endometriosis and fibrocystic breast disease. Danazol appears to have little if any anabolic effect, and at best slight androgenic activity. Due to that fact that its main activity is that of an anti-gonadotropic agent, and not as an anabolic steroid, it was deemed there would be little chance for abuse with this drug. It was likewise never registered as a controlled substance in the United States.

Danazol is structurally a c-17-alpha-alkylated compound, which means that it will display some level of toxicity on the liver. This usually becomes problematic in doses of 400mg per day or above, or when used for very long periods of time. Its toxicity is not to be endured for much reward, however. In a bodybuilding setting there is simply little need to even think about using this compound. I guess a case can be made that if you are suppressing your testosterone output with other steroids, there would be no concern over the anti-gonadotropic effects of danazol. In such case its weak anabolic/androgenic effect would be welcome; at whatever intensity it is present. But even in doses of 600mg or above, the effect will be meager, and the expense great. This makes one question if there is ever a circumstance that would warrant buying this odd steroidal compound. Clearly any price is difficult to justify when there are so many other (better) anabolic/androgenic agents readily available to use.

Danocrine, and generic copies of this steroid, typically come in capsules of 50mg, 100mg, and 200mg strength. The 200mg brand name capsules from Sanofi usually sell in the U.S. for about $4.50 per capsule, and the generic equivalent for about $3.00.This drug can be obtained for a slightly lower cost from some overseas sources, and at this time is legal to import under the current "personal-use" loophole for international drug purchasing. And since bodybuilders have little interest in this steroid, counterfeiters do not either. You are unlikely to come across Danocrine on the black market, but if you do, you can bet it will be real.This is one of those products that you probably will never see a fake box of. But then again, even if it is real, do you really want it?

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