Deposterona is an injectable veterinary steroid from Mexico, which contains a blend of various esters of testosterone.This product has been around for many years, first sold under the Syntex label and more recently Fort Dodge, who acquired the Syntex Animal Health Company in the mid-1990's. Each milliliter of Deposterona specifically contains 12mg of testosterone acetate, 12mg of testosterone valerate, and 36 milligrams of testosterone undecanoate, for a total steroid concentration of 60 mg/mL. Each multi-dose vial contains 10ml of steroid, and 12 vials are packed together in a master box.This is the first compound I have seen to ever contain testosterone valerate. If you are unfamiliar, this is a medium to long acting ester, with a whole body half-life measured to be approximately double that of testosterone propionate in animal models107.
With its blend of slow and fast acting esters, Deposterona is sort of a low-dosed alternative to Sustanon. Mind you its shortest ester (acetate) is a little faster acting than the propionate in Sustanon, and its longest ester (undecanoate) a tiny bit slower acting than Sustanon's decanoate. But it is a pretty close comparison nonetheless. As such, it will be an excellent mass and strength builder (for a more complete discussion, please see: Sustanon).The main disadvantage to Deposterona is its low steroid concentration. If you were planning on using a "standard" dose of testosterone (400-600mg per week), be prepared to do a lot of injecting. In such instances it would require injecting 8-10ml, up to a full bottle of steroid, each week. Since it is usually not too pricey of a product a cycle like this shouldn't break you. But the oil volume would most certainly be uncomfortable, unless of course you have a sick fondness for injecting yourself. For this reason it is most often used as an adjunct steroid to other compounds (maybe to add an extra hundred milligrams or two of testosterone), and not as the main focus of a steroid cycle.
Because it contains such a low concentration of steroid, Deposterona is in pretty low demand among athletes. There are plenty of more useful testosterone products to be found in Mexico. As such, this product is not readily smuggled into the U.S. After all, a 12 vial box takes up quite a lot of valuable space, and doesn't net a whole lot of money. This space could be filled with much more profitable items such as ampules or high-concentration veterinary steroids. This does, however, also make Deposterona low on the radar when it comes to counterfeiting, which is a good thing. I wouldn't be too worried about fakes if you have just purchased some.There are many other products to duplicate in Mexico, almost all of which would make a counterfeit manufacturer a lot more money on a per unit basis.