Dinandrol is to nandrolone what Sustanon is to testosterone, well sort of. This product is an injectable anabolic steroid from the Philippines that contains a blend of one short and one long acting ester of nandrolone.The intent, as with Sustanon, is to provide the user more of a sustained-release effect compared to that obtained with single-ester injectables. Each mL of Dinandrol contains 60mg of nandrolone decanoate and 40mg of nandrolone phenylpropionate, for a total steroid concentration of 100mg per mL (200mg per 2mL vial). Although this product lacks the propionate and isocaproate esters that would make it a true nandrolone equivalent of Sustanon, I suspect it still provides a release profile very similar to this drug. After all, the difference in steroid release time between propionate and phenylpropionate esters are not that great, and with a good dose of decanoate it is difficult to think the isocaproate will be tremendously missed. It is about as close as we can get to a real "Sustanon" and with a product like this there would seem little added benefit in actually developing one.
As with all nandrolone products, Dinandrol offers a moderate anabolic effect with only mild androgenic or estrogenic side effects (see: Drug Profiles – Deca-Durabolin for a more comprehensive discussion). Although designed as a long and steady acting product, bodybuilders are not looking for a nandrolone replacement drug that is injected once a month. With this in mind Dinandrol is most often injected on a weekly basis. The dose, as with regular Deca-Durabolin, would be in the range of 200-600mg per application. If anything, one would only be noticing a difference between Dinandrol and Deca when first starting a cycle (due to the faster onset of action), and only if they tended to notice the benefits of steroid therapy very quickly. Otherwise the drug will build to pretty significant and "steady-state" levels within a few injections, making it impossible to distinguish from regular Deca-Durabolin. For the bodybuilder it is, therefore, not any type of "must have" steroid to go run out and start searching for, but most certainly is an acceptable option if found at a fair price.
Dinandrol is one of those odd steroid products that are rarely found in an actual pharmacy.This is because it is not registered as a prescription drug in the country in which it is made (so don't expect to take any home if you visit). Instead, it is an export only item, sold to importers in other countries who likely are quick to divert it to the black market. Although you may not have the benefit of obtaining it through legitimate channels, it is not that difficult to recognize real Dinandrol when one crosses this item on the black market. Its packaging is unique, and would seemingly be difficult and costly to duplicate. Well, maybe the multi-dose vials are not that unique, three of which are packaged in a blue shaded box that is also pretty easy to copy. But you do open the box to find the vials sitting nicely in a clear-plastic tray that bears the firm's name (Xelox). It is not printed on the tray but molded directly into the plastic, which would obviously be some task for an underground manufacturer to duplicate. Being that this item is rarely even heard of at this time, I do not expect fakes to be a problem very soon.