Dynabol (nandrolone cypionate)

Dynabol is a brand name for the injectable anabolic steroid nandrolone cypionate. This drug was originally manufactured by Jurox Australia, although they have since discontinued it, along with many of the other anabolic steroid products. The active compond itself is still found despite the absense of Dynabol, most notably by the international drug firm SYD Group. This company also has roots in Australia, however their brand of Dynabol (called Anabolic DN) is a product of their Mexican subsidiary only. At this time, the SYD Group item remains one of the only products in the world to use this nandrolone ester. Nandrolone cypionate itself is very similar in effect to Deca-Durabolin® (nandrolone decanoate), allowing a slow release of the mild steroid nandrolone. The primary difference here is that cypionate will only sustain a marked release of hormone for about two weeks. Deca, on the other hand, can be active in the body for three or four.The shorter duration, however, should really not be looked to as an unfavorable characteristic. In this case, it produces an extremely interesting steroid. Blood levels peak much faster with Dynabol, and gains will probably accumulate in a slightly shorter time frame. This is supported by the fact that many bodybuilders in Australia swear this is one of the most favorable nandrolone preparations, often saying that it provides a stronger "kick" than Deca-Durabolin®.

Much of what can be said for Deca holds true for Dynabol. It is a strong anabolic, with a mild androgenic component. As with all nandrolones, this steroid has a relatively low affinity for estrogen conversion (estimated to be about 20% of the rate of testosterone). Dynabol is sometimes noted as producing a bit more water retention than nandrolone decanoate, but this observation is really only a product of faster action in the body. It builds a substantial blood hormone concentration within several days of injection, much more rapidly than the slower acting decanoate ester. Estrogen levels will also build quickly, more hormone being free to convert in the starting weeks. With Deca taking three of four weeks of repeated dosing before relative peak levels are reached, it may take a little bit longer to notice any estrogenic or progestational activity. But aside from timing, there is no real difference between the two compounds, as they present the same base steroid to the user. Individuals very sensitive to gynecomastia with Deca may, likewise, need to addition an anti-estrogen like Clomid® or Nolvadex® when using this product. Otherwise, ancillary drugs are usually not as necessary for estrogen maintenance as they are with testosterone-based drugs.

Endogenous testosterone levels are likely to be effected by this drug however, especially after longer cycles. A testosterone stimulating program using common PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) agents such as (again) Clomid®/Nolvadex® and HCG may, therefore, be needed to avoid a post-cycle "crash" resulting in excessive muscle loss. HCG is typically used for only a week or two to help kick-start the testes, enabling them to respond normally to the resumed release of endogenous gonadotropins (this capacity may be diminished after a period of long inactivity). After this point, Clomid® or Nolvadex® are continued alone for two to three more weeks, in an effort to normalize testosterone production in the body, and to minimize any estrogenic side effects until endogenous hormone levels are stabilized. For a more detailed discussion of post-cycle therapy, see: PCT-Post Cycle Therapy.

Although these steroids are very mild, female athletes can sometime have problems with nandrolones. Conversion to DHT, in this case dihydronandrolone (milder then its parent nandrolone), makes androgenic buildup a much lower concern than with most other steroids. The activity of nandrolone is actually reduced somewhat in androgen target tissues, which gives this steroid a much more favorable ratio of anabolic to androgenic effect than most steroids. While virilization symptoms are not usually a pronounced problem with responsible use of a nandrolone, women may still wish to use a faster acting ester such as Durabolin®.This gives the user a greater level of control over blood hormone levels, and reduces the risk for inadvertent androgenic buildup.

Dynabol should be about as versatile as Deca-Durabolin®, the compound usually being well suited for both cutting and bulking cycles. Some bodybuilders, however,feel that the more rapid effect, and potential for slightly faster onset of estrogenic side effects, means that means that this steroid fits more appropriately into mass building phase of training. Although I don't necessarily agree with this, it is a sort of lore that has developed about Dynabol decades ago, and seems to persist today. Regardless of the particular application, a weekly dosage of 200-600mg is most commonly used with this steroid. In this range Dynabol should provide a very noticeable amount of quality muscle mass, without the heavy water bloat of an equal dose of testosterone. Although higher doses may bring out a stronger anabolic effect, injections could become uncomfortable with the volume of oil required each week, particularly with the original 50mg version. Dynabol will further mix well with almost any other steroid, including popular mass drugs such as testosterone, Dianabol or Anadrol 50®.

Although in Australia this steroid would have been found in a maximum strength of 50mg/mL (Jurox's Dynabol 50), SYD Group makes its Anabolic DN product in a whopping strength of 300mg/mL. This is likely done to cater to the high-dose-focused American bodybuilding market, which is largely fed through Mexico. The Mexican SYD Group products are generally easy to spot when shopping, as they stand out quite notably on pharmacy/vet shelves. They have a bright new colorful look (replacing the old drab grey labels), and a jacked-up Kangaroo mascot they call "Jim Anabolic" funny but effective marketing I would imagine. SYD is a reputable company, and their products are becoming extremely popular with bodybuilders in the U.S. Note that this company apparently takes security more seriously than marketing, protecting all of its products from counterfeiting with a hologram sticker bearing the SYD logo.This should help assure a safe purchase,although recent events show us that even detailed holograms can be counterfeited with the right incentive.

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