Spectriol is an injectable veterinary steroid preparation from Australia, which contains a blend of several different steroid ingredients. More specifically, it contains five components: three testosterone esters (propionate, cypionate, hexahydrobenzoate), nandrolone phenylpropionate and methandriol dipropionate. Despite having so many different steroids in the same vial, we are only looking at a total steroid concentration of 65 mg/mL. Spectriol is not the powerhouse steroid by any means, but can still most certainly be a value item to include in your next steroid cycle.This is actually quite an unusual steroid product, but then again this is Australia, and the company that makes it (RWR) makes several oddball steroids like this (many of which are blends that include methandriol dipropionate).
Each mL of Spectriol contains:
Methandriol Dipropionatye | 20 mg |
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate | 15 mg |
Testosterone Propionate | 10 mg |
Testosterone Cypionate | 10 mg |
Testosterone Hexahydrobenzoate | 10 mg |
This product seems to be designed so that it will provide a fairly good balance of anabolic and androgenic effect for its user. Of the 65mg present in each milliliter of solution, about 30mg are esters of the strong androgen testosterone. The remaining 35mg is a combination of methandriol and nandrolone, two steroids which are much more anabolic in nature.The two sides complement each other very well, allowing for greater muscle growth, and less androgenic and estrogenic side effects, than if taking an injectable testosterone exclusively (for a more comprehensive discussion of these individual steroids, please refer to their respective drug profiles).The only main issue with this steroid is its relatively low dosage strength, which makes it difficult to run a full cycle on Spectriol alone. Were one to attempt this, the weekly dosage would probably have to be in the range of 260-520mg, which equates to a total oil volume of 4-8mL.This is quite a bit of oil to inject each week, especially when many other steroid products are available that come in a strength of 200mg/mL or more.
Spectriol is found only in 10mL multi-dose vials, and is made only by RWR (formerly a subsidiary of Nature Vet Pty, but now an independent company) in Australia.This item does not circulate on the international black market in much volume, as Australia is no longer considered a major source country for steroids. Australian prescription drugs are definitely not as easy to divert to the black market in high volumes as they are in some other countries, and the steroid market especially has been scrutinized in recent years. Add this to the fact that the packaging on most Australian veterinary products, Spectriol included, is pretty easy to duplicate, and I would not consider this to be an item I'd immediately trust when coming across it. Be especially suspicious of anyone that suddenly has a whole lot of it. But provided you can verify the source, and are obtaining it at a good price, it most certainly can be a good steroid to have in your toolbox. Unfortunately, not many people find themselves in such a situation, and should be rightly suspicious of this and all Australian veterinary products with unverifiable authenticity.