Sten is a two-component testosterone blend that is made only in Mexico. It is manufactured by the firm Atlantis, and Sten is one of Mexico's more inexpensive human-use testosterone products. The two active steroids in this product are testosterone propionate (25mg), testosterone cypionate (75mg). Each ampule also contains an added 20mg of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone). Some references incorrectly list it to contain 20mg DHT or dihydrotestosterone (another androgen). This is just a confusion of the Spanish word for DHEA (dehidroisoandrosterona), which at a quick glance looks similar to DHT. Holding the DHEA irrelevant at the moment, this steroid basically contains 50mg of testosterone per mL.
Many compare this item to Sustanon, but consider it to be a low budget alternative. While it does contain two testosterone esters with a "sustained release" effect, Sten is active for a much shorter duration. The testosterone propionate does provide a fast effect, as with Sustanon, but the blood levels from the testosterone cypionate will drop about two weeks after each injection. This far short of the duration seen with Sustanon, so clearly there is a noticeable difference between the two compounds. Of course they are both strong testosterone products, and the end result difference would not be very great between the two.
If we used these two testosterone esters separately, a cumulative dosage of 200-400mg per week would be the most common. Therefore, 2 to 4 ampules of Sten are usually injected each week.To reduce the volume of each injection, this amount is usually broken up into two to four separate shots, each consisting of 2mL or one full ampule. Even with this separation we are taking 4 to 8 mL per week, which is quite a bit when compared to other products like Sustanon. It makes it additionally difficult to add in another injectable steroid, as the volume would no doubt be quite uncomfortable. For this reason Sten is not in high demand, and generally used only when other testosterone preparations are unavailable.
The effect of this steroid would be comparable to that seen with all injectable testosterone products. lt is well suited for a quick mass and strength gain, accompanied by a number of androgenic and estrogenic side effects. Water retention of course is common, as is the development of gynecomastia. Sensitive individuals may find an anti-estrogen necessary when taking this drug, as is common with virtually all testosterones. Androgenic side effects like oily skin, acne, facial/body hair growth and premature hair loss are also likely. The addition of Proscar/Propecia® may prove useful to minimize such effects, especially for those noticing the onset male pattern baldness. And although some female bodybuilders do occasionally utilize testosterone propionate, the cypionate present in this substance (being much longer acting) makes for poor company. An unlucky female athlete would have to wait a couple of weeks for testosterone levels to significantly drop, which is obviously much too long when virilization symptoms are developing.
In Mexico, 2 ampules are packaged in a box and sells for about $5. Here on the U.S. black market, a single loose ampule of Sten can sell for as much as $10. There are currently no fakes.