Triolandren (testosterone blend)

Triolandren is an injectable testosterone blend, produced by Novartis. More specifically, this product contains a mixture of testosterone propionate, n-valerianate, and undecylenate, for a total steroid concentration of 250mg/mL With its mix of fast and long acting esters, Triolandren is very much like Sustanon in design. The intention in both cases was clearly to create a product that will deliver testosterone, slowly, evenly and comfortably, to a patient over a period of three to four weeks. In this case, the slowest releasing ester used was undecylenate, whereas Sustanon uses decanoate. This would make Triolandren ever so slightly the longer acting agent between the two.

Each 1 ml ampule of Triolandren contains:

Testosterone Propionate20 mg
Testosterone-n-valerianate80 mg
Testosterone Undecylenate150 mg

As a testosterone injectable, Triolandren is a powerful strength and size builder. Really effective mass-building cycles almost always include some form of testosterone for this reason. That is not to say you must use testosterone. But it is cheap, and works better than just about anything else available for this purpose. The positive anabolic properties of this hormone, of course, are accompanied by equally strong androgenic and estrogenic properties. Side effects, at some level, are almost unavoidable as a result. If you are particularly sensitive to the effects of estrogen, you may want to have some form of anti-estrogen or aromatase inhibitor on-hand should side effects become problematic (for a more comprehensive discussion about the benefits and potential drawbacks to using a sustained-release testosterone product like this, please refer to the Sustanon profile).

Although much longer acting, in the context of using them for bodybuilding purposes, drugs like Triolandren and Sustanon are usually injected on a weekly basis. Such a schedule eliminates any real advantage in using a sustained-release blend of testosterone. After all, the main reason these drugs were designed is so that you don’t have to inject them every week. If you are going to do this anyway, you are probably much better off purchasing a cheaper product that contains testosterone enanthate or cypionate. You’ll get a lot more testosterone for your money, and a cycle that is utterly indistinguishable from one using Triolandren.

Triolandren is a rare find on the black market.To the best of my knowledge it is only manufactured in two countries currently, Egypt and Taiwan. Novartis is the manufacturer in both cases. Since these two countries are really not major source countries for steroids, you probably should not expect to see Triolandren very often. If you do find it, can verify its legitimacy, and are offered it for a fair price, it should most certainly be as acceptable for use as any other slow acting testosterone injectable. Unless you like giving money away, I’d base the decision on a simple calculation of how much testosterone are you getting for your money: cheapest product wins.

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