Bíblia dos Anabolizantes (Em inglês)

Bíblia dos Anabolizantes (Em inglês)


Methyldienolone (MD) is a synthetic oral anabolic steroid that was researched in the 1960's but never sold as a prescription drug. It is fundamentally a nandrolone-based compound, modified from this base hormone in two ways. First, it has been c-17alpha-alkylated (methylated) to protect against hepatic breakdown. This alteration, in of itself, turns the mild-mannered nandrolone

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Bíblia dos Anabolizantes (Em inglês)


Long since removed from the commercial drug market, mestanolone is a synthetic oral derivative of dihydrotestosterone.This steroid is a 17-alpha methylated form of this potent endogenous androgen, being essentially (in structure) to DHT what methyltestosterone is to testosterone. Overall this new oral androgen has an activity profile not very dissimilar to the natural steroid used

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Bíblia dos Anabolizantes (Em inglês)

Megagrisevit-Mono® (clostebol acetate)

Megagrisevit-Mono is the old German trade name for the steroid clostebol acetate, a derivative of testosterone (most specifically 4 chloro-testosterone acetate). Clostebol is a low strength anabolic compound, which exhibits minimal androgenic potency. While side effects are possible with any anabolic/androgenic steroid, this compound overall is extremely mild. Due to 4-chloro substitution in the A

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Bíblia dos Anabolizantes (Em inglês)

Masteron (drostanolone propionate)

Masteron is an injectable preparation containing the steroid drostanolone propionate. Drostanolone is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone,most specifically 2alpha-methyldihydrotestosterone. As a result, the structure of this steroid is that of a moderate anabolic/potent androgen which does not aromatize to estrogen. Water retention and gynecomastia are therefore not a concern with this compound; as of course here

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Bíblia dos Anabolizantes (Em inglês)

Libriol (nandrolone/methandriol blend)

Libriol is a blended injectable veterinary steroid preparation that is made by RWR (formerly a subsidiary of Nature Vet) in Australia.This is primarily an anabolic agent, containing a mixture nandrolone phenylpropionate and methandriol dipropionate. These two steroids are present in a concentration of 30mg/mL and 45mg/mL respectively, equating to a total steroid concentration of 75mg/mL.

Libriol (nandrolone/methandriol blend) Read Post »

Bíblia dos Anabolizantes (Em inglês)

Hydroxytestosterone (4-hydroxytestosterone)

Hydroxytestosterone is an anabolic steroid that is, as its name would indicate, a close structural relative of the primary androgen testosterone. Specifically, it is testosterone with an added 4-hydroxl group, an alteration that makes this an extremely interesting steroid. In action it is only moderately anabolic and androgenic, ultimately bearing little resemblance to the androgen

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Bíblia dos Anabolizantes (Em inglês)

Halotestin (fluoxymesterone)

Halotestin® is the Pharmacia & Upjohn brand name for the steroid fluoxymesterone. Structurally fluoxymesterone is a derivative of testosterone, differing from our base androgen by three structural alterations (specifically 17alpha-methyl, 11 beta-hydroxy and 9-fluoro group additions). The result is a potent orally active steroid that exhibits extremely strong androgenic properties.This has a lot to due

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Bíblia dos Anabolizantes (Em inglês)

Estañaron (testosterone/estrogen blend)

Estandron is a combination testosterone and estrogen product, manufactured by drug giant Organon in several regions of the world. At first glance the testosterone blend in this product looks very familiar to Sustanon 250. It begins with a small dose of testosterone propionate (20mg), followed by equal amounts of testosterone phenylpropionate and testosterone isocaproate (40mg

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Bíblia dos Anabolizantes (Em inglês)

Esiclene (formebolone, formyldienolone)

Esiclene is the brand name for the steroid formebolone, a compound that was (when available) almost exclusively utilized (non-legitimate use) in the world of professional bodybuilding. It was produced both in oral and injectable form, the injectable solution containing only 2mg per milliliter of steroid. The compound itself shows little anabolic or androgenic activity, and

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Bíblia dos Anabolizantes (Em inglês)

Equipoise (boldenone undecylenate)

Equipoise® is the popularly referenced brand name for the veterinary injectable steroid boldenone undecylenate. Specifically it is a derivative of testosterone, which exhibits strong anabolic and moderately androgenic properties. The undecylenate ester greatly extends the activity of the drug (the undecylenate ester is only one carbon atom longer than decanoate), so that clinically injections would

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Bíblia dos Anabolizantes (Em inglês)

Drive® (boldenone/methylandrostenediol blend)

Drive is an extremely unique veterinary steroid, available only in Australia.This is actually a very interesting place for steroids, possessing a number of unusual compounds. Strange methandriol mixes, unusual esters (such as nandrolone cypionate, see: Dynabol) and probably the only place in the world that produces 500mL bladders of testosterone. It would be quite the

Drive® (boldenone/methylandrostenediol blend) Read Post »

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